"H the President" Bumper Sticker Starts 2008 Presidential Campaign Debate
(PRWEB) August 10, 2005 -- Because the 2004 Presidential election so polarized the nation, many voters are already looking forward to 2008. Add to that, a nation conflicted over President George W. Bush’s initiation and conduct of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Now, pile-on the new concerns over Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement from the Supreme Court, as well as Justice William H. Rehnquist’s failing health.
Maybe people sharing these concerns don’t have long to wait, as for some potential 2008 Presidential candidates the campaigning has already begun. Some potential candidates are already visiting Iowa, jockeying for position and attention in anticipation of a run for the Presidency. For other individuals, many wish these candidates of interest had already begun their campaign; announced their interest in running in 2008; announced their candidacy – something to provide hope for a brighter future. A group in New Hampshire is already running television advertisements for the 2008 campaign (that hasn't yet begun).
Hope? Well, the same people who brought you the incredibly popular http://www.fthepres.com/ and its "F" products are now bringing you http://www.HthePres.com/. Maybe proudly displaying the "H" is exactly what these individuals need to express their hope that they believe the next President of the United States should be a woman --- and not just any woman --- Hillary Rodham Clinton.
While Ms. Clinton hasn't yet openly declared her ambitions for the presidency, in late July at the Democratic Leadership Council, she challenged Democrats to show a united front against the "hard right." What better way for loyal supporters to express their support than using this new product line to counter the now infamous "W The President" stickers that adorn SUVs and other smog machines in all 50 states.
Products include bumper stickers, coffee cups, buttons and tote bags emblazoned with the logo. The http://www.HthePres.com/ website is online now and taking orders for rapid shipment. Other products may be added in the future as demand builds. Interested consumers may even suggest other products to be emblazoned with the "H THE PRESIDENT" logo via the website.
While you're at it, save me the expense and trouble, and make up a nice "W Is For War" sticker. I want that & F The Pres backeting my back window!
Glad to help you out here... check out PoliticalSquares.com -- any more requests?
Yall rock! I convered a Rep just because he say the sticker!
Or not...
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