Giving the President an 'F'
Bush's State of the Union Address Fails to Make the Grade
Washington D.C. (PRWEB) February 7, 2006 -– One week ago, George W. Bush delivered his State of the Union address. However, many believe the President simply failed to adequately address the real concerns of citizens across America. believes the failing grade stems from too many parochial questions begging too many pat answers, resulting in too much partisan divisiveness.============
** Iraq: Grade="F"
When the country is involved in a war in Iraq that has cost over 2,200 lives and countless wounded, the host country does not want us there and yet there remains no plan for withdrawal. President Bush contends that the war in Iraq is the same thing as the ‘war on terror’. Many, many disagree that Iraq has anything whatsoever to do with the war on terror. Rep. John Murtha (D) Pennsylvania, now charges that the war in Iraq is nothing more than a civil war and we should be on the sidelines refereeing – not on the ground. Indeed, how many of us believe that the nuclear issue in Iran is light years more urgent?
** Energy: Grade="F"
While energy costs are skyrocketing, the President finally acknowledges that America is hooked on oil – and mostly foreign oil. How long until we are held hostage to our addiction? Where is the plan? How long before it is implemented? This is America’s opportunity to begin a serious movement against dependence on foreign sources of energy.
** Spying: Grade="F"
President Bush defended government spying and surveillance without a warrant. Moreover, it continues unabated, instead of being immediately halted and an independent prosecutor appointed to investigate. Meanwhile, the President wants the controversial Patriot Act extended.
** Healthcare: Grade="F"
Healthcare costs continue to soar while millions of Americans cannot even afford minimal healthcare insurance. As the Baby Boomers age, this issue will only become more important—maybe even the most important of all issues to registered voters.
Upside of ‘Anger’:
Maybe Sen. Hillary Clinton’s (D-NY) continued interest in presidential politics will lend some hope to an ever more disenchanted citizenry. When recently attacked as “angry” by the GOP chairman, the AP reported that Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson responded, "If the president and the White House spent half as much time worrying about the runaway deficit and the broken Medicare system as they do about Hillary Clinton, the country would be in much better shape." We might, indeed.
Bush’s Failing Grade:
The President’s overall approval rating is merely 39% while his positive rating on Iraq is only 34%. gives President Bush a failing grade of ‘F’ for his State of the Union speech and the underlying programs touted within it.
Citizens can express their agreement with this failing grade by proudly displaying their “F The President” bumper sticker, coffee cup, t-shirt or other merchandise. See these and other products at
Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the incredibly popular are now bringing you If not the original bumper sticker, maybe proudly displaying the “H” is exactly what these individuals need to express their hope that they believe the next President of the United States should be a woman—and not just any woman—but Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Products include bumper stickers, coffee cups, buttons and tote bags emblazoned with the logo. The website is online now and taking orders for rapid shipment. Other products may be added in the future as demand builds. Interested consumers may even suggest products to be emblazoned with the "H The President" logo via the website.
Haha wow, you're an absolute joke. Did you even watch the State of the Union? If you did then you wouldn't be asking, "Where is the plan? How long before it is implemented?" If you watched you would've heard him say how we're creating ethynol from various products and that by 2009 it'll be competive with oil at $90/barrel.
And as for the Patriot Act, I'm sure you heard today how we prevented a terrorist attack on the west coast in 2002 due to the Patriot Act. You're an idiot. Most democrats are even saying that they support the Patriot Act.
I can only pray, along with millions of other Republicans, that Hillary runs for President. I just saw a poll that had her receiving 40% of the votes and Rudi Guliani receiving over 51%. She honestly doesn't have a chance, she doesn't have the speaking skills that Bill has. Everyone stereotypes her (and the liberals) as angry and there's no one denying that. You guys have no plan and you're a bunch of psychos, I hope you realize how stupid guys are constantly looking. I'll provide 2 examples:
1) Making Alito's wife cry at his confirmation hearings, only to have him go on to be approved.
2) Turning Coretta Scott Kings funeral political. Jimmy Carter taking shots at the President... THAT'S REAL CLASSY.
You guys are morons and honestly have NO SHOT in the elections.
you sound awfully scared of defeat
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