Thursday, September 30, 2004

Controversial Bumper Sticker Fuels the Presidential Debate

Citizens Using To Express Themselves

Atlanta, Ga. (PRWEB) September 30, 2004 - The upcoming Presidential election has polarized the nation. In these final days before November 2, how will voters express themselves? Maybe a trip to is exactly what they need to help them say what is on their minds.

Playing off the George W. Bush re-election “W The President” campaign and website, a new and controversial line of “F The President” merchandise is being marketed at the website. In a powerful and interesting play on John Forbes Kerry’s middle initial, these items make a strong statement. In a potentially fateful twist, should Democrat John F. Kerry win the election, the political persuasion of the purchasers may change completely. Of course, if he should lose his bid at the Presidency, the Democratic supporters may find their purchases have a completely new meaning.

Products include bumper stickers, coffee cups, buttons and tote bags emblazoned with the logo. The website is online now and taking orders for rapid shipment. Other products may be added in the future as demand increases. Interested consumers may suggest products to be emblazoned with the "F The President" logo via the website.

There are two bumper sticker choices -- one is a vertical design (quantity 2) and the other is square (quantity 3)... both require the customer to cut along a dashed line, but that allows them to share with other family members, friends, and/or fellow political junkies. Both the coffee mug and the tote bag feature a parody of the "W" mark, reading "W Wrong President." Buttons are available in single quantities and packages of ten (10) to share at political functions or to be handed out by those wanting to simply share their message.

Official endorsements have not yet been sought for the product line, but the team behind F The President believes that everyone who chooses to adorn their vehicle, desk, or shirt with this logo merchandise will have their own motivation for displaying the logo. These products are sure to be conversation starters.

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