Wednesday, June 22, 2005

NEW mini-sticker designs available

Want a more discrete F-the sticker? We've designed a new mini-sized version for even more fun. Like our original product, which comes in strips of 2 or 3, the new stickers require that you cut along the dashed lines printed for your convenience.

The 12 mini-sticker design is available for immediate ordering on our site at

In addition, we've created a "Grab Bag" version with our original design and five NEW designs:
  • F your president
  • W wrong president
  • W the incompetent
  • H our only hope
  • H next president

We hope you enjoy these new products. Please post your comments here if you have any additional suggestions.

Friday, June 17, 2005

So who's F?

REM singer Michael Stipe was telling his Glasgow Green audience this week that Americans who took great delight in voting for George W Bush have bumper stickers which simply state: "W, the President." Michael's sister e-mailed from Athens, Georgia, to say she had seen her first bumper sticker which said instead: "F the President."

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