Tuesday, August 26, 2008

F the President stickers vandalized

This came in today from a customer of ours...

Hi folks,

Just thought you might be interested, in case you're keeping track of such things.

I've had my "F the President" sticker that I got from y'all several years ago, soon after you started offering them (I think). It's sat undisturbed on the back of my car for lo these many years. Until a few days ago.

On Friday, I noticed that someone had vandalized my sticker. Picture here:


There were a few other scratches on my car, too, but this was the most targeted area.

We're pissing people off, so we must be doing something right. ;)

Out of curiosity, ARE you keeping track of how many of your stickers get destroyed?

Keep up the good work!

best wishes,
