Sunday, July 10, 2005

A liberal expresses distaste for our sticker

Go figure! We've alienated a self-professed liberal, a self-professed advocate for free speech, and an opinion page writer for a southern newspaper.

This past Friday he wrote: "... I pulled up behind a car that was plastered with progressive messages. Normally, these rolling billboards for choice, diversity and peace make my little liberal heart sing for joy. Then my eyes locked on a sticker that stunned and sobered me. Maybe I've been driving behind the wrong liberal-mobiles, but I don't recall ever seeing it before. After searching the Web, I discovered it's been around since before the November 2004 election."

He continued: "Nothing wrong with animated debate. Have at it. But that bumper sticker goes beyond being animated or even outraged."

For as long as it lasts, here's a link to the article.

Monday, July 04, 2005

H the President stickers

Even FROOGLE has picked up on our new "H the President" bumper stickers and other fun stuff. Get there directly via or within our F the President store on CafePress.

Express your independence... put an H or F on your chest, car, and/or head!